To get in touch regarding any program, please inquire at the Welcome Table at church, or reach out to our staff (contacts listed below).
Youth Ministry at Chinatown Campus
Youth Sunday School – English
Grades 6-12
We strive to equip our youth with Biblical truth, as well as to stretch their faith in their Christian walk with God. Through fun and engaging hands-on activities, scripture reading, fruitful class discussions, and prayers, the students learn how to lay down their burdens and place their faith and trust in our compassionate and just God.
When: Every Sunday at 11:15am
Where: Josiah Quincy School – 3rd Floor Star House
Contact: Minister Calvin Chu
Teen With a Reason (TWR) – English
Grades 6-8 (Middle School and Junior High)
TWR welcomes English-speaking teens in Grades 6-8. A night at TWR includes worship, a game, a sermon, and small group discussion. We have students from the BCEC family, students from Project Destiny, and more recently from the after-school ministry PDAS. Middle school is a time when youths go through many changes and periods of growth. Our joy is to see the youth coming to know Jesus more, grow in their relationship with Christ and with each other, and also begin taking opportunities to serve others.
Parents and students can check the TWR blog for updates at: bcec-twr.blogspot.com
When: Every Friday evening at 7:30pm
Where: Chinatown Campus – Multifunction Room
Contact: Minister Calvin Chu
Teen Fellowship – English
Grades 9-12 (Senior High)
Teen Fellowship welcomes English-speaking teens in Grades 9-12. We meet regularly on Friday evenings for worship, games, sermon, and small group discussions. Teen Fellowship strives to encourage students to encounter Jesus and to be challenged by His teachings.
When: Every Friday evening at 7:30pm
Where: Chinatown Campus – Multifunction Room
Contact: Minister Calvin Chu
Youth Ministry at Newton Campus
Together In One Bucket (TIOB) – English
Grades 7-12
TIOB is the English-speaking youth fellowship at the Newton Campus and our twin goals have tried to mirror the two greatest commandments taught by Jesus in Matthew 22: “To love God and to love our neighbors.” The underlying principle for all of our teaching and activities has been to point students towards a greater appreciation of their relationship with God and their relationship with each other. Our fellowship time each Sunday consists of large group activities, Bible lesson, music worship, and small group prayer or discussion time. Some youth also join the Chinatown Fellowships, which meet on Fridays.
When: Every Sunday at 9:15am
Where: Newton Campus – Conference Room
Contact: Pastor Enoch Liao