Staying with Jesus

Speaker: Pastor Enoch Liao
Passage: John 6:60-71
Series: Close with Jesus (2)

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Staying with Jesus

Speaker: Pastor Ken Liu

Series: Close with Jesus (2)

Passages: John 6:60 – 71

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所有這些決定都會影響我們的未來, 盼望我們教會能合一向主禱告,祈求祂的帶領和引導。每星期禱告事項。


Praying Together for the future of our church

In 1979, BCEC moved into its new building at 249 Harrison Ave. and Pastor Fung became Senior Pastor, as Pastor Tan retired. Forty years later in 2019, our church is faced with many important decisions. We need to consider whether to sell 249 Harrison Ave. to allow the city to build a new school. We need to think about the future directions of our ministries in Chinatown and in Newton. We need to decide who should be the new Senior Pastor. In all these decisions that affect our future, we want to be united as a church to pray to the Lord to lead us and guide us. Here’s the link to the weekly prayer items.

Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. (Ps 31:3, NIV)

Close to Jesus, or Close with Jesus

Speaker: Pastor Ken Liu

Series: Close with Jesus (1)

Passages: Mark 3:13 – 19

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A Betrayer Among the Brethren

Speaker: Pastor Enoch Liao
Passage: Matthew 10:1-4; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16
Series: Close with Jesus (1)

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Seeking the Peace of the City by Seeking the Purity of the Church

Speaker: Pastor Enoch Liao

Series: Seek the Peace of the City (7)

Passages: 1 Cor 5:1 – 13

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Seeking the Peace of the City by Seeking the Purity of the Church

Speaker: Pastor Enoch Liao
Passage: 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Series: Seek the Peace of the City (7)

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Blog 2 Test

Sed a nibh sem, et interdum sapien. In tincidunt condimentum dapibus. Curabitur sit amet erat sem, gravida condimentum nisl. Aliquam commodo ipsum eget augue iaculis ultrices. Fusce tempor, tellus sit amet sodales scelerisque, metus orci imperdiet orci, at accumsan justo magna eget diam. Fusce dignissim hendrerit augue, suscipit posuere sem bibendum sed. Aliquam dapibus urna…

Expansion Blog Test Update 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae commodo turpis. Aliquam tempus augue et tellus imperdiet, ut ullamcorper nunc rhoncus. Vivamus id nunc eget lorem porttitor ultricies. Fusce vitae est cursus nisl fermentum euismod eu non dui. Cras finibus consequat sollicitudin. Integer aliquet aliquet dolor, nec tincidunt leo ullamcorper et. Phasellus id neque bibendum, gravida leo eu, interdum lectus. Maecenas vitae orci orci. Vestibulum ac fermentum leo. Vestibulum hendrerit est ac risus interdum, sit amet convallis lectus pulvinar. Etiam quis leo eros. Sed feugiat at diam nec dignissim.

Aenean feugiat, magna ac venenatis gravida, lorem justo congue velit, vel elementum ante nisl eget enim. Phasellus erat quam, hendrerit nec purus nec, blandit tristique arcu. Proin quis massa et lectus pretium congue. Fusce libero nisl, auctor vel velit non, interdum finibus magna. Aliquam quis libero dolor. Curabitur aliquet porttitor molestie. Suspendisse nisi nulla, suscipit et diam sodales, scelerisque consectetur ante. Duis eget bibendum sapien. Mauris dignissim tempus turpis, ac rhoncus risus maximus sit amet. Nulla in aliquam urna. Pellentesque lacinia augue in vehicula lacinia. Aliquam vitae nisi tortor.

Cras volutpat quam id nibh maximus, sed iaculis libero malesuada. Etiam quis vehicula erat, vitae laoreet ex. Fusce vestibulum, nulla id eleifend elementum, magna orci gravida massa, interdum condimentum risus purus id sapien. Curabitur sodales ullamcorper leo ut imperdiet. Vestibulum facilisis leo nec leo pretium malesuada. Sed vitae ligula lorem. Nulla bibendum eu nulla id semper. Phasellus semper turpis sit amet semper pretium. Nam sagittis purus id dolor ullamcorper mollis.