We are informed by Boston Public School that the JQES auditorium will be closed this weekend, September 16 and 17, due to Hurricane Lee and will not be available for our use. Therefore, we are moving the Chinatown English and Cantonese services back to the 120 Building. Services at
the Newton Campus are not affected and will be held normally. Please note the following arrangements:
- The Chinatown English service at 9:15am will be in 120 Shawmut MFR with a reduced capacity. Please RSVP here to reserve a spot for worship and for children’s programs. A simple live-stream will be available on BCEC Media YouTube page.
- The Chinatown Cantonese service at 11:15am will be held in the Multi-function Room of the 120 Building with live-streaming. Limited in-person space and RSVP are encouraged for attending Sunday service. Please also RSVP with this link here if your children are attending children’s ministries.
- The Chinatown Mandarin service will be held normally on the second floor of the 120 Building.
Both Chinatown and Newton Campuses will be closed on Saturday for in-person ministry programs. According to the latest forecast, wind and rain will slowly decrease in strength by Sunday morning. However, please keep the safety of traveling in mind on Sunday.
Daniel Chan, Senior Pastor
在本週末(9月 16及 17日)颶風期間教會活動的特別安排
波士頓公立學校通知我們,由於颶風關係,昆士小學的禮堂將於本週末(9 月 16 日至 17 日)關閉,無法供我們使用。因此,我們將唐人街英語和粵語崇拜移回120大樓。牛頓堂的崇拜則不受影響,將正常進行。請注意以下安排:
- 上午9點15分的唐人街英語禮拜將在120樓多功能廳舉行,但座位有限。請在此登記參加崇拜和兒童節目的人數。 BCEC Media YouTube 頁面將提供簡單的直播。
- 上午11點15分的唐人街粵語崇拜將在120樓多功能廳舉行,提供直播。現場座位有限,請出席者在此連接鏈預先登記。如果您的孩子需要參加兒童事工,請另外用此連接鏈預先登記。
- 唐人街國語崇拜將在120大樓二樓正常舉行。