Rev. Enoch Liao
Assistant Pastor, Chinatown Campus
(617) 426-5744 x266
Pastor Enoch joined the BCEC staff team in 2001 and has served in a variety of pastoral roles. Currently, Pastor Enoch serves as the Lead English Pastor overseeing English-speaking ministries at both the Chinatown and Newton campuses. He also serves as the Co-Chair for The Chinatown Coalition for Boston’s Chinatown. He coordinates the Fellowship of Asian American Ministers and Ministries in the Boston/New England area. He is a founding board member for the Boston Center for Biblical Counseling.
Pastor Enoch grew up in southern California. He attended UCLA where he earned undergraduate degrees in both Philosophy and Study of Religion. He attended seminary at Talbot School of Theology where he earned his M.Div.
He is married to Karen, and they have three sons Evan, Owen, and Kian, and also one daughter, Eve, who has passed on. Pastor Enoch and Karen live in Medford, MA.