Chris Horte
Director of Student Ministries, Newton Campus
Chris grew up in a Christian family in Rockland, Massachusetts, and accepted Christ as a teenager. He later fully recommitted his life to Christ during his years at UMass Amherst where he was a dedicated member of the Minuteman Marching Band as he pursued an undergraduate degree in Music Performance.
Chris sensed God calling him into full-time youth ministry in early 2016 after serving as a volunteer in First Baptist Church (FBC) Amherst’s youth group. He then began his studies at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Fall 2019 in addition to joining the staff of FBC Amherst as the church’s Youth Director. He met his wife Ariel a couple months later, and they got married in March of 2022. Chris graduated with a Master of Christian Studies from GCTS in May of 2022, and God has since called them to join the BCEC Newton family in October 2022.