3/15/2020 粵語網上崇拜

Online Giving | 網上奉獻


您可以使用您的銀行賬單支付服務,我們亦歡迎您使用網上奉獻。網上奉獻讓您按照自己選擇的頻率安排奉獻,您也可以同時支持多個基金。我們的網上奉獻系統目前接受電子支票(ACH/Electronic Check)或信用卡(Visa/Master card/Discover)。

我們建議會友或常參與聚會的朋友通過myBCEC 帳戶設置您的捐款。舊會友或訪客,歡迎您使用單次奉獻Guest Giving。如果您對捐款有任何疑問,請通過電郵聯繫執事會的司庫:bod.treasurer@bcec.net。

講員: 鄺偉傑牧師

講題: 突然奇來的暴風

經文: 馬可福音4:35-41

當那天晚上,耶穌對門徒說:我們渡到那邊去罷。36門徒離開眾人,耶穌仍在船上,他們就把他一同帶去;也有別的船和他同行 。37忽然起了暴風,波浪打入船內,甚至船要滿了水。38耶穌在 船尾上,枕著枕頭睡覺。門徒叫醒了他,說:夫子!我們喪命,你不顧麼?39耶穌醒了,斥責風,向海說:住了罷!靜了罷!風就止住,大大的平靜了。40耶穌對他們說:為甚麼膽怯?你們還沒有信心麼?41他們就大大 的懼怕,彼此說:這到底是誰,連風和海也聽從他了。

Christmas Eve Service – 12/24

Save the date: Christmas Eve Service (English) in 249 Harrison Ave. 12/24, 7pm.


Joint Christmas Eve Service in Cantonese and Mandarin will be at Newton Campus (218 Walnut St, Newton, MA) on 12/24/13 at 7:30pm.

PDAS Volunteers Needed

PDAS, BCEC’s after-school program for local teens, is seeking adult Christians to volunteer as counselors on weekday afternoons. All training will be provided. Hours vary from 3- 17 hrs/ week. Contact Steve Liu (pdas@bcec.net).

Christmas Outreach – 12/22

Children’s Christmas Celebration (preschool to 5th grade) and Cantonese adult outreach will take place on Sunday, 12/22 from 11am to 1:30pm. Please consider inviting your friends and neighbors to this event. Invitations are available at the Welcome Table.

Divided We Stand (Apart)

Speaker: Pastor Enoch Liao
Series: Christ and His Church, 1 Corinthians, Part 1 (2)
Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

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A Church Not Lacking

Speaker: Pastor Enoch Liao
Series: Christ and His Church, 1 Corinthians, Part 1 (1)
Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9

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How to Worship God

Speaker: Pastor Steven Chin
Passage: Psalm 95

Discussion Guide

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How Can I Forgive Myself?

Speaker: Minister Calvin Chu
Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
Discussion Guide

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Three Love Stories, Forgiveness #4

Speaker: Pastor Steven Chin
Passage: Hosea 1:1-11; Hosea 3:1-5
Discussion Guide

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