Easter 2015

Good Friday Services (April 3)

Please join us to remember the suffering and crucifixion of Christ at the following services:

English service:
• 7:15pm, Chinatown campus – Josiah Quincy Elementary School Auditorium.
Temporary parking permits available at welcome table. No child care available.

Chinese service (Cantonese & Mandarin):
• 7:30pm, Newton Campus.
Children’s program (age 4-12) available. No nursery care available.

Get directions to our Chinatown and Newton locations

Easter Sunday service (April 5)

7 services available in 3 languages at multiple locations:

English Sunday Services

9:15 AM – Chinatown Campus (Josiah Quincy Elementary School Auditorium)
11:00 AM – Newton Campus

Cantonese Sunday Services

9:15 AM – Newton Campus
11:00 AM – Chinatown Campus (Main Church Sanctuary)
11:15 AM – Chinatown Campus (Josiah Quincy Elementary School Auditorium)

Mandarin Sunday Services

9:15 AM – Chinatown Campus (Main Church Sanctuary)
11:15 AM – Newton Campus

Get directions to our Chinatown and Newton locations

Church Staff Positions (Mar. 2015)

(Update 03/28/15) BCEC has 2 open full-time positions for Newton English Assistant to the Pastor and Chinatown English Director of Discipleship. If interested, please contact Terri Mock at bod.personnel@bcec.net.

We are also looking for a part-time Chinatown Mandarin Intern. Contact Pastor Andy Su at andy.su@bcec.net if interested.

Please visit www.bcec.net/jobs for more information.

2014 Offering Receipt Request

Treasury Announcement:

Praise God for your love of the Lord and His church and support BCEC’s ministry in many different ways. This is a reminder that as we welcome 2015, the 2014 tax filing season will soon begin. With our total contribution units grow towards 1,000, BCEC Treasury has tried various ways to streamline the process to save labor and cost. We found that generating the receipts in PDF format and delivering the tax receipt by email are the most efficient and cost effective method. We had a number of undeliverable each year due to incorrect email and postal addresses. Please update your email or postal address at http://www.bcec.net/about/member-resources/tax_receipt-request-form/.

We would also like to take this opportunity to give you a few friendly reminders…

  1. To request a new Contributor ID or update your contact information, please go to http://www.bcec.net/about/member-resources/contributor-id-request-form/
  2. Cash offering: Please write your Contribution ID and English name clearly on the envelope. Writing only a name on the envelope may cause your offering to be counted as anonymous offering.
  3. Check offering: Please note the proper way to write a check to BCEC:
    • Write only “BCEC” on the payable line.
  4. Do not write “BCEC Mission”, “BCEC Expansion” etc. This practice is very important to our weekly counting procedure. It helps reduce processing time and minimize entry error.
    Write your Contribution ID and fund name on the memo line

    • Example: #999 GF, #999 MF, #999 EF, #999 CF, #999 Project Destiny
  5. BCEC do not accept any offerings designate to specific individual or organization: unless it is announced and notified to the congregations.

Lastly, the following is the tentative 2014 tax receipts distribution schedule:

  • 1/4/2015-1/17/2015 email and address registration and update
  • 1/18/2015-2/7/2015 Distribution by email only
  • 2/8/2015 Distribution in Chinatown Campus
  • 2/15/2015 Distribution in Newton Campus
  • 2/22/2015 Distribution in Chinatown Campus
  • 3/8/2015 All remaining receipts will be sent by postal mail

May we continue to build a blessing through our love and obedient to Him, may God’s name be forever glorified!

We are available at bod.treasurer@bcec.net if you have any question.

Have a blessed New Year!

BCEC 37th Annual Missions Conference

BCEC 37th Annual Missions Conference will be held on November 14, 15 & 16, 2014. The theme is ENGAGE — LIVING AS A GLOBAL DISCIPLE.

English speaker is Dr. George Murray.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Evening message at 7:30pm in Chinatown Campus.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Dinner begins at 5:30pm in Chinatown campus,
Conference begins at 7:00pm in Chinatown campus.

BCEC Staff Positions

BCEC has 2 full-time positions available based in Chinatown:

We are also looking for a Chinatown Mandarin Intern.

If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Terri Mock or Peter Sun at bod.personnel@bcec.net.

SRC – World Vision Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship:on the 2 upcoming Sundays, 05/11/14 and 05/18/14, BCEC’s Social Responsibility Ministry will be hosting World Vision Child Sponsorship tables.


Without clean water, enough food or healthcare for her children, a mother is up against impossible odds. Honor mothers around the world by praying for them and sponsoring a child in need this Mother’s Day. This Mother’s Day, please prayerfully consider sponsoring a child in Minakulu, Uganda.

Please contact Sharon Yip for further details (bcec.sharon.yip@gmail.com or srministry@bcec.net).

SRC 2014.05 - child sponsorship

Promotion Video:

Mother’s Day, The Hardest Job in the Hardest Places – Short Version from World Vision Church on Vimeo.


Praise the Lord! More than 20 brothers and sisters publicly affirmed their faith in Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. Please congratulate them and continue to pray for them as they grow in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Easter Baptism

PDAS Volunteers Needed

BCEC’s after-school program for local teens, is seeking adult Christians to volunteer as counselors on weekday afternoons. All training will be provided. Hours vary from 3- 17 hrs/ week. Contact Steve Liu (pdas@bcec.net).

Christmas Eve Service – 12/24

Save the date: Christmas Eve Service (English) in 249 Harrison Ave. 12/24, 7pm.


Joint Christmas Eve Service in Cantonese and Mandarin will be at Newton Campus (218 Walnut St, Newton, MA) on 12/24/13 at 7:30pm.

PDAS Volunteers Needed

PDAS, BCEC’s after-school program for local teens, is seeking adult Christians to volunteer as counselors on weekday afternoons. All training will be provided. Hours vary from 3- 17 hrs/ week. Contact Steve Liu (pdas@bcec.net).