Where is the need the greatest in the world? Where is Jesus not being worshipped simply because people have never heard His name before? What methods are working among neglected peoples? How can I get involved, even if I never move to another country? Come find out where the neediest people on earth live (it might surprise you!). We will look at the current status of the world and then share some stories of great things God is doing in some corners of the world you might never get to hear about otherwise. Then, find out how to become involved in God’s global glory, no matter your age, background, or gifting. The options are as limitless as our God. We hope you will be informed, challenged, encouraged, and equipped.

Peggy Spiers is a Global Gap Analyst for All Nations International. She has served full time in missions both in an agency and in a local church setting since her “retirement” from her first career ten years ago. She has travelled extensively to many missions fields, helping to strengthen both Goers and Senders. She has a passion to see all men, women, and children become empowered and equipped to serve the Lord in the way they were made. She is a Strengths Finder Coach and Sending (Mobilizing) Coach for many local churches and church members.

Dr. Pam Arlund is a Member of the International Leadership team for All Nations International, working as the Global Training and Research Leader. She has served full time in missions for over 20 years as a bible translator, church planter, missions trainer, and author. She lived on the extreme western edge of China for ten years and helped ignite a church planting movement among two Muslim people groups. She longs to see Jesus receive the worship He is worthy of from every people group. To this end, she encourages, trains, and coaches, church planters, local church members, and disciple makers around the world.