Online Worship 網上崇拜
Newton English Worship (3/29/2020)
Service begins at 11:00am Sunday morning
- Newsletter
- Preparing for Online Worship
- Online Giving
- Pray with us
- Children and Youth
- COVID-19 Response
- Communion
To prepare for worshiping online together, we offer the following thoughts:
- Prepare your heart. Get everything set up a few minutes early so that you can prepare your heart to worship through expectant prayer. Be thankful for the brothers and sisters that came together this past week to pull off four online worship services and praise God for the privilege to be able to worship.
- Prepare the physical space: clear away any clutter or distractions.
- Prepare your device: if you are joining the service on your computer, turn off notifications. If you are joining in on your mobile device, activate “do not disturb.” Don’t let a stray text message interrupt or take away from your worshiping the Lord with other brothers and sisters.
- Worship is about engagement, not entertainment. Worship at home however you would worship at the physical church.
- Have your Bible ready, along with something to take notes. Bring a humble heart eager to hear from the Lord.
- We will have time to worship the Lord through offering and the giving of our gifts. If you have not set up online giving, consider doing so as the Spirit leads.
- Come together with your household. If there are others in your household who plan to join in for worship, consider coming together to worship in front of the same screen. Get ready to praise God, hear God’s word, and experience the Holy Spirit together.
Order of Service
- Welcome
- Opening Prayer
- Hymn or Song of Praise
- Scripture Reading
- Message
- Response
- Closing Song
- Benediction
To continue giving to the church, please consider signing up for online giving here.
To expedite and secure the delivery of church offerings to BCEC, a PO Box in the Newtonville branch of the Post Office has been set up. Effective immediately, church offering checks (no cash please) should be mailed to the following address:
PO Box 600790
Newton, MA 02460
Join us after service at 11:45 am to connect, share, and pray together. Zoom link
Join us on Wednesday evening at 8:30 pm to intercede for the church, our city, and our nation. Zoom link
If you need prayer, please fill out the form and our prayer team will pray for you.
In addition to joining the online worship, you can also worship with your child at home. We will be putting resources on this page each week to help your family worship experience. Your child can use this page from their computer or tablet to worship.
Family worship is as simple as gathering the whole family to:
- SING praises to our God through online videos
- READ/LISTEN to the Lesson – Read the passage and follow along the lesson video.
- PRAY – Follow the prayer guide outlined in the lesson section.
For youth programming, the Newton youth ministry meets online on Sunday mornings at 10 am and on Friday evenings at 7 pm. Visit the BCEC Newton Students website for more information.
The COVID-19 coronavirus has wreaked havoc on our daily lives, as much of Greater Boston has shut down. Some individuals have been impacted physically and financially. Therefore, our church will collect a special offering over the next three Sundays (April 5, 12 and 19) for the Boston Resiliency Fund, created by the City of Boston.
Priorities of this fund include providing access to food for various at-risk populations, technology to Boston Public School students for remote learning, and support to first responders and health care workers who are on the frontlines fighting this pandemic.
To donate to Boston Relief Fund or learn about more ways to practically care for our communities, click here.
Next Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, which we typically celebrate Holy Communion. Since we cannot come together physically to do this, we will be doing this in our homes. In order to prepare, please watch Pastor Enoch give a tutorial on how to prepare for the Holy Communion in your homes.